Images From Server for CKEditor


  • CKEditor 4. At the moment, the plugin is only supported for CKEditor 4.x; if you need a version for CKEditor 3, please, contact us so we can evaluate the feasibility of the adjustments.
  • Browser's: We recommend using latest version of all the major browsers.
  • File uploading. You need setting up file uploading in CKEditor. Additionaly, we recommend using the SimpleUploads plugin to avoid extra clicks to users.
  • A web server with or PHP. The plugin has 2 parts: a javascript code which detects images that have been copied into the editor and a program that runs in your server that imports the images from other servers. This code has been developed using .Net and PHP, and you will be able to adjust to much your server and content manager.

Installation (1/2): Copy the files

Extract the contents of the zip in you plugins directory, so it ends up like this:



Installation (2/2): Add the plugin to CKEditor

Now add the plugin in your config.js or custom js configuration file, adding a line like the following one:


If you're already using other extraPlugins, then you must add it to the end with a comma:


Setup the property imagesfromserver_importer with the path of the server program that will import the images. In the zip file you will find a implementation in the "server" folder with a additional .txt extension to prevent it from being executed by mistake. Remember to set up the code execution permission to this folder.

  config.imagesfromserver_importer = '/utils/imagesfromserver/importer.aspx';

If desired, you can see other options to add the plugin to CKEditor.