Dropdown Details para el CKEditor

Dropdown Details is a CKEditor plugin that allows creating and editing HTML5 details elements.
Dropdown Details examples:


This is the subjet & you can use basic formats: bold, italic & format styles

This is the content and you can include anything: fotos, records, carousels, etc.

Here you can find another Details element embeded

We can embed as many Details elements as we need.

This is an example that contains a carousel


This is an example that contains records


Es un plugin para el CKEditor para: 1 Recortar y escalar imágenes; 2 Subir y guardar las imágenes en su servidor.

Puede pre configurar las opciones de recorte que desea usar. Leer más


Al hacer clic en la imagen se mostrará una barra de herramientas y podremos: 

  • Mostrar la imagen con forma de elipse
  • Poner un pie de foto a la image

Y otras muchas opciones. Leer más


If you have already tried to work with Details element in CKEditor, you know that there is a set of problems to be solved: you must make working the details in browsers that are not based on webkit; for browsers based on webkit the default behavior prevents editing the legend; as Details element is not an CKEditor element you must properly configure the ACF system; you must enable a way to edit it; etc.

With Dropdown Details all these problems are solved. So you do not have to spend your time solving them and can focus on more productive things.

Currently not all browsers natively support HTML5 details elements, so you need to add some polyfill to your page so the visitors to your page can use it properly. If you are editing the content with CKEditor, Dropdown Details plugin handles this task.